Stick of butter on pan

Major appliances

Butter Measurement & Conversion: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet

The Full Conversion Chart

Baking measurements have to be precise. Your butter to flour ratio is important. Curious to know how much a stick of butter gets you in cups or tablespoons? How many cups of butter do you get from a full block? Use the table below to guide you.

Butter in Blocks Butter in Sticks Butter by Cups Butter by Tbsp Butter by Weight (Grams) Butter by Weight (Oz) Butter by Weight (Lbs) Butter by Volume (mL)
1 block 4 sticks 2 cups 32 Tbsp 454 g 16 oz 1 lbs 500 mL
3/4 block 3 sticks 1 1/2 cups 24 Tbsp 345 g 12 oz 3/4 lbs 375 mL
1/2 block 2 sticks 1 cup 16 Tbsp 227 g 8 oz 1/2 lbs 250 mL
1/3 block 1+1/3 sticks 2/3 cup 10 Tbsp + 2 Tsp 151 g 5.33 oz 1/3 lbs 160 mL
1/4 block 1 stick 1/2 cup 8 Tbsp 115 g 4 oz 1/4 lbs 125 mL
1/6 block 2/3 stick 1/3 cup 5 Tbsp + 1 Tsp 76 g 2.67 oz 1/6 lbs 80 mL
An Artisan® Series Stand Mixer in Butter.

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How Much is 1 Stick of Butter?

Wondering howe many cups or tablespoons a stick of butter makes? This table gives a complete summary of how much is a stick of butter in tablespoons, cups and more. Just remember that 1 stick of butter yields half a cup of butter.

Butter in Sticks Butter in Blocks Butter by Cups Butter by Tbsp Butter by Weight (Grams) Butter by Weight (Oz) Butter by Weight (Lbs) Butter by Volume (mL)
1 stick 1/4 block 1/2 cup 8 Tbsp 115 g 4 oz 1/4 lbs 125 mL

KitchenAid® appliances offer a variety of impressive features that can help you create great meals and tackle challenging recipes.

How to Measure Butter from Sticks to Tablespoons and More

Measurements for more than just 1 stick of butter - See up to 4 sticks measured in cups, tablespoons, weight in grams and ounces.

Butter in Sticks Butter by Cups Butter by Tbsp Butter by Weight (Grams) Butter by Weight (Oz)
4 sticks 2 cups 32 Tbsp 454 g 16 oz
3 sticks 1 1/2 cups 24 Tbsp 345 g 12 oz
2 sticks 1 cup 16 Tbsp 227 g 8 oz
1+1/3 sticks 2/3 cup 10 Tbsp + 2 Tsp 151 g 5.33 oz
1 stick 1/2 cup 8 Tbsp 115 g 4 oz
2/3 stick 1/3 cup 5 Tbsp + 1 Tsp 76 g 2.67 oz
1/2 stick 1/4 cup 4 Tbsp 58 g 2 oz
1/4 stick 1/8 cup (2 Tbsp) 2 Tbsp 28 g 1 oz
1/8 stick 1 Tbsp 1 Tbsp 14 g 1/2 oz

Butter by Tablespoons (Tbsp.)

Sometimes a recipe calls for an amount of butter by tablespoons. Not sure how much butter to melt for this? See this table:

Butter by Tbsp Butter by Cups Butter in Sticks Butter by Weight (Oz) Butter by Volume (mL) Butter in Blocks
32 Tbsp 2 cups 4 sticks 16 oz 500 mL 1 block
24 Tbsp 1 1/2 cups 3 sticks 12 oz 375 mL 3/4 block
16 Tbsp 1 cup 2 sticks 8 oz 250 mL 1/2 block
10 Tbsp + 2 Tsp 2/3 cup 1+1/3 sticks 5.33 oz 160 mL 1/3 block
8 Tbsp 1/2 cup 1 stick 4 oz 125 mL 1/4 block
5 Tbsp + 1 Tsp 1/3 cup 2/3 stick 2.67 oz 80 mL 1/6 block
4 Tbsp 1/4 cup 1/2 stick 2 oz 60 mL 1/8 block
2 Tbsp 1/8 cup (2 Tbsp) 1/4 stick 1 oz 30 mL 1/16 block
1 Tbsp 1 Tbsp 1/8 stick 1/2 oz 15 mL 1/32 block

Butter by Cups

Recipes sometimes call for an amount of butter by cups. But you don't want to melt more butter than you need. This table can help simplify things. Just remember that:

  • 1 block of butter is 2 cups
  • 1/2 cup of butter is 115g

Butter by Cups Weight (Grams) Volume (mL) Tbsp Sticks Blocks
2 cups 454 g 500 mL 32 Tbsp 4 sticks 1 block
1 + 1/2 cups 345 g 375 mL 24 Tbsp 3 sticks 3/4 block
1 cup 227 g 250 mL 16 Tbsp 2 sticks 1/2 block
2/3 cup 151 g 160 mL 10 Tbsp + 2 Tsp 1 + 1/3 sticks 1/3 block
1/2 cup 115 g 125 mL 8 Tbsp 1 stick 1/4 block
1/3 cup 76 g 80 mL 5 Tbsp + 1 Tsp 2/3 stick 1/6 block
1/4 cup 58 g 60 mL 4 Tbsp 1/2 stick 1/8 block
1/8 cup (2 Tbsp) 28 g 30 mL 2 Tbsp 1/4 stick 1/16 block
1 Tbsp 14 g 15 mL 1 Tbsp 1/8 stick 1/32 block